Let us assume Ananya, showcased with a Score of 315 is a participant.
This means, based on her responses, her individual score is 315, and this number can only be higher or better as she moves up the scale. This is also known as cumulative ranking, where the scores are cumulated to arrive at a single number to denote the person’s achievement. Alternatively, you may also see it as height! If Ananya is 5’4″ in height, she can grow taller with exercise, and thus 5’4″ is her score in tallness.
However, when it comes to Rank, Ananya may have a score similar to someone else. In such a scenario, her rank will be the same as the other person who shares a similar number. In the example above, Ananya gets a 3rd rank and she shares it with another person. However, a person smaller than her gets a higher number, which is 4th while someone better would get a lower number, which is 2nd and 1st, as in Ranking parlance, a lower number is considered higher in reputation or scale.
We hope we have been able to illustrate the difference clearly to you to understand the importance of numbering.